What We’re Building: Jen’s Week In Review

Thank you for stopping by my blog today! This is my weekly blog series where I wrap up what’s happening around NDI. It is close to year-end and we’re pretty busy around here. But not too busy for a little party time…
NDI Christmas Party
We had our company Christmas Party at the Tower Club last weekend. What an awesome evening spent with the team and their spouses. Paul and I don’t get dressed up often (enough) so it was fun!
We also had a very special guest with us! Carolyn Willis and her husband Jay drove in from Alabama to be with us and it was awesome! Carolyn was one of the first NDI employees Dad ever hired. She will ALWAYS be part of the NDI family! Here is a picture of Carolyn and Dad back in the day!
I love hearing all the old NDI stories – we were in stitches reminiscing together.
NDI Gives Back
For the second year in a row, the NDI team has participated in Wreaths Across America by purchasing wreaths for the wreath laying coming up this Saturday. The NDI Gives Back Foundation matches each wreath purchased by the team. This year, we donated nearly 100 wreaths to this great cause! If you would like to get involved with this fine organization, there is still time to donate! Or, plan to head to Arlington Cemetery this Saturday to lay a wreath. It is such an awesome experience! Here are my little nuggets from a few years ago…
They were in short sleeves. In December. Remember that warm Christmas? We ate Christmas Eve dinner OUTSIDE!
Bathroom Floor Trend
What do you think of the penny tile trend? I LOVE it and look to use it in our upcoming model homes.
Penny tile is mostly round (hence the name!) but any small tile will give you a similar look.
What do you think of this trend?
Thank you for stopping by my blog today – it means a lot to me. Wishing you a festive weekend!
Dream Big. Build Smart.