What We’re Building: Jen’s Week in Review

Happy Friday! I missed my week in review last week (SORRY!) because Paul was recovering from unexpected shoulder surgery. A week ago Sunday, Paul was racing Nate down the sidewalk, tripped and fractured his right (dominant of course!) shoulder. We spent 3 hours in the ER and came home with a sling, orders to see an orthopedic within a week and this pretty picture…
We called the next morning and scheduled an appointment immediately with an orthopedic. As soon as he looked at the x-ray above, he said Paul would need corrective surgery because it was unlikely to heal as well on its own. Ugh. Luckily, we were able to schedule surgery for the very next day which was a blessing.
The doctor said everything went well and that surgery was definitely the right call. Once I saw the “after” x-ray, I would agree.
That is some serious hardware! 10 screws and a plate to be exact. AND he had torn his rotator cuff – hey if you’re gonna go, go big! Today Paul is doing really well! He started PT this week and he still has very limited use of his right arm, but we’re in a good groove around here!
Enough about that, we’re BUSY at the office…
Adam Hits 10 Years With NDI!
This is so hard to believe but Adam just hit 10 years with the company on Monday, March 6. Thinking back 10 years ago – we look so young!
It has been such a joy working with my baby brother these past 10 years. Cheers to you Adam!
Pop-Up Open House 3/11 & 3/12
We will be showing our Langley Model in Falls Church this weekend for the very first time! We are a few weeks from completion but we want to give you a sneak peek. We’ve incorporated some new design elements in this house – can’t wait to show you the Owner’s Bath! I hope you will join us.
Click HERE for more information about this weekend’s event!
This Week’s PC Meetings
We’re getting ready to start three new homes this week. A Chesterbrook Craftsman and two Vienna Models (which was the most popular model in 2016!). And its easy to see why.
One of these clients is an investor and this is his 14th home with NDI! That makes my heart sing. It has been so fun building a relationship with this client and watching his success.
This Week’s Settlement
We just finished this gorgeous Clarendon Model in North Arlington. I LOVE the finishes in this home…
And I love these blue stone pavers on the front porch.
If you’re looking for a way to give your home major curb appeal, consider adding pavers to your concrete front porch or stoop. So so pretty…
On The Blog This Week
On Tuesday, I posted my 2016 Recap. A little late – sorry! I love doing this every year to recap trends we’re seeing in in our business. Check it out!
Sarah just redesigned her Home Office – check out this wonderful space (that’s all hers!) and the changes she made!
The Katie Kronicles
And we have a runner! Oh boy y’all – I love our sweet new pup Katie, but she is testing me! About three weeks ago, we rescued Katie through Lost Dog Rescue (great organization BTW!). We didn’t know much about her but we immediately fell in love with her. She is SO GOOD in the house – completely house trained, stays off the furniture, loves to snuggle, loves to sleep, doesn’t beg (most of the time). I mean, the sweetest…
The boys like to tuck her in at night…
We think we really lucked out. But there is this one little thing she does…she runs. And by run I mean bolt out the front door and doesn’t look back. On Wednesday morning, Andrew opened the front door (to check the weather – really, you’re 4!) and Katie took the opportunity to romp (run at full speed) throughout Falls Church City for the next 30 minutes. Did you see a crazy woman in heels running after her? That would be me.
All kidding aside, I was certain she was going to get hit by a car (SHE CROSSED BROAD ST DURING RUSH HOUR!) but by the grace of God and a sweet Samaritan, I was able to get her home. So now we’re looking into lots of options and we’ve narrowed them down to a few…
1. Not ever using the front door.
2. Not ever letting Andrew use the front door.
3. Hire a dog trainer.
I think we’ve realized that Katie doesn’t really care what we have to say when she’s outside of the house. That’s a problem. And given the fact that Paul is an engineer, and I’m a builder, we know we need professional help.
I’ll keep you posted. In the meanwhile, I will keep lovin’ on this sweet (and crazy, look at her eyes!) girl.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Come out to see us this weekend at the Langley Model – I will be there on Saturday. Hope to see you then!
Dream Big. Build Smart.