What We’re Building: Jen’s Week In Review

Another week down and I can’t believe we’re starting to talk about Halloween. And by we, I mean these 2 crazy dudes…
They have their costumes picked out but today they are sporting their new Charleston, SC shirts just received from our dear friends who live down there and who by the way, are preparing for their second hurricane/tropical storm since moving SC at the end of the summer. Unbelievable!
This Week’s PC Meetings
We are getting ready to start two new projects – a Langley Model and a Fairlington Model (both in Arlington). That makes the 4th Langley Model we currently have under construction. It is such a great home and fast becoming one of our favorites around here!
Here are some pictures from a Langley Model we just finished in Falls Church.
This Week’s Settlement
We closed out a project in Springfield this week. This client selected one of our archived models, the Makin Model, for his build. Let’s talk about this model for a minute…when I came to work for Dad in 2001 (CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S BEEN 15 YEARS!), the Makin Model was THE top seller. At 3400 square feet, it was our price leader. At one point the base price was $199,900! That included a brick front and hardwood floors!
We don’t build many Makin Models any more so it isn’t actively marketed. The house is 76′ wide and doesn’t fit on most lots (left) in Northern VA. It is a very traditional design and one that you can see all over the area.
I love this river rock tile.
Langley Model Update
I found out this week that the siding color I selected for our spec home in Falls Church has been discontinued. I’m not that bummed because I wasn’t in love with it. But you know what I am in love with?
Gray Slate & Aged Pewter (2 new Hardie colors!). I chose the Gray Slate for the Langley Model and it is going to POP on this house! The Aged Pewter is a great color but it was a little darker than I wanted to go on this house. I can’t wait to see the Gray Slate installed which should be in a few weeks so stay tuned!
Hurricane Matthew
I was glad to hear our friends and family in FL were essentially spared any great damage from Matthew last night. But I was heartbroken to hear about the rising death toll in Haiti. As of this morning, the number was around 500 lives lost. I will be praying for those sweet families who have lost their loved ones and for the safety of those preparing for the storm over the weekend.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Wishing you a safe weekend!
Dream Big. Build Smart.