What We’re Building: Jen’s Week In Review

Happy Friday! Another week closer to leaving this COVID mess behind us. Are you as excited as I am? I have to tell you, if you haven’t created some sort of countdown to freedom (in my case, I’m counting on summer camps opening), I’d highly recommend it. There is something so satisfying about ripping one of these links each Friday…
Starting Soon!
We had a Pre-Construction Meeting this week – WHOOP! We will be building a Vienna Model in Fairfax for a lovely family. This design is one of our most popular – perfectly sized, great features, and just so pretty! Here are pictures from a Vienna we built a few years ago…
Our PC Meetings look a little different these days as we practice social distancing, but they are exciting nonetheless! This is the kickoff meeting for construction so everyone is filled with lots of anticipation (and joy!). I can’t wait to see this beautiful home get out of the ground!
Virtual Design Meetings
We are still meeting with clients interested in building a custom home! We have unlimited options to connect with you virtually during this time (phone, Zoom, FaceTime, etc!). And we are still showing homes (safely!), if you are interested in seeing our homes! We can show you a home under construction or we can give you a tour through our finished model home.
We make it easy from start to finish, so let us know if you would like to connect!
Latest Blog Post
I shared a new recipe this week that is perfect for a weeknight meal. My boys loved every bite of this shrimp and pasta dish!
Swear Jar Update
I decided to give up swearing for Lent this year. Don’t worry, it wasn’t like I was swearing like a sailor wherever I went (anymore). But I do think our language is reflection of who we are, and I don’t want to be perceived as a potty mouth (even though sometimes it feels good). So I gave it up.
The rules during Lent were if I don’t want my kids to say it, I couldn’t say it. Obviously, the big ones were off limits. But so were those “TV friendly” substitutes we use (s*ck, h*ck, fr*ggin’, etc.). To help motivate myself, I committed to donating $10 for every slip up.
I was doing really well the first few weeks. And then COVID. And then schools were closed for 3 weeks. And then our Spring Break trip was cancelled. And then school was cancelled for the rest of the school year. YIKES.
It was hard, and in the end, I stopped counting and decided on a flat $500 donation to the Spend Yourself Food Pantry in Falls Church. This is especially timely because so many in the community are suffering from job loss due to the COVID crisis and the food pantry is serving more people than ever. So I was really happy to be able to donate!
While I didn’t kick the habit 100%, I’m definitely more aware of the words coming out of my mouth, so I’ll take that as a win!
Sometimes it feels like the days are running together but I hope you will be able to carve out some “weekend” time for yourself. Enjoy and find joy where you can!
Remember, one week closer to having this all behind us…
Dream. Build. Live.