What We’re Building: Jen’s Week in Review

There are things that happen throughout the week here at NDI (and at home) that don’t always warrant a full blown blog post but may be of interest to you (at least I hope!). So I’ve decided to start a weekly roundup post to fill you in on the latest news at NDI and beyond. I hope you enjoy!
Repeat Client Starts 10th NDI Project
On Tuesday, we had a Pre-Construction Meeting with a very special client. He is one of our investor clients who has a whopping ten homes either completed or in process with NDI. We started working with him back in 2012. He keeps most of the homes we’ve built as rental properties. He builds primarily in Falls Church, and I’m still puzzled how he finds the lots – they are rarely “on the market.” We’re currently working on signing his 11th NDI home – one of our lovely Clarendon Models. I’m feeling grateful for the relationship we’ve built with him and his team. It’s been a pleasure.
Here are some of the homes we’ve built for him…
NDI Gives Back
2016 will prove to be the biggest year for NDI Gives Back since it’s launch in 2014. It is getting it’s own foundation (more to come on that later!). Our goal is to provide relief and assistance to those in need in our communities. We’re looking for opportunities, big and small, to impact the communities in which we live.
Our big project this year will be the construction of a brand new home for a wounded vet. We partnered with the American Red Cross to help us find a local wounded veteran. We identified a local family, and we will gift them a new home specifically designed to accommodate their needs. I can’t wait to share more detail about this awesome project and this amazingly sweet family we are working with. Stay tuned!
From Contract to Settlement in 9 Months!
We settled this gorgeous new home this week.
Not only did the house turn out beautifully, but we were able to finish the project in 9 months from contract ratification to settlement. Not bad for a home started in the middle of winter!
And what a fun project and what a sweet family we had the pleasure to work with. They’re actually neighbors with a family we built for five years ago.
Love seeing these beauties side by side each other.
There Are Ants in My House (On Purpose!)
My sister LOVES buying boy gifts. And when I say boy gifts, they’re ALL BOY. It’s either got a trigger or it’s crawling. Regardless of what it is, she loves to watch my reaction when our boys receive one of her gifts (as the older sister, she’s always loved to see me squirm).
Her latest “gift” was for Andrew for his 4th birthday in March. An ant farm. She bought him an ANT FARM!
The “farm” came with a coupon to order the ants online (you really can buy anything online). After three weeks of the boys thinking every UPS package delivered to the house was “the ants,” they finally arrived. It’s hard to tell from this terrible picture but those are LIVE ants crawling around.
Aside from the fact that I have LIVE insects INSIDE my home, the ant farm is actually really cool. The boys love it.
It even has a light it in for your glow-in-the dark enjoyment.
So if you’re looking for a gift sure to make your little sister squirm and your nephew jump for joy, click HERE.
Mother’s Day is This Sunday
I went shopping for a Mother’s Day card for my momma this week. So many cards.
SO MANY TEARS! My goodness I had a hard time reading these cards without sobbing. Not because I’m sad but because I’m grateful. So grateful to have my mom around to call on the phone and to buy a Mother’s Day card for.

Because so many people I know have lost their mothers. Including my mom who lost my grandmother two years ago. What she wouldn’t give to have another Mother’s Day with her momma.
And I also think of the MANY friends of mine currently struggling with having families of their own. I can’t begin to wrap my head or my heart around fertility issues. Watching my friends who are dealing with this has been something I can’t make sense of, at least not in this world.
So while Mother’s Day is happy for many of us, let’s also remember the sadness of those whose momma’s have passed. And let’s say an extra prayer for those who yearn to celebrate this day with their own children someday.
Dream Big. Build Smart.