What To Expect When You’re Expecting (Site Development): Introduction

Today kicks off a new blog series called What To Expect When You’re Expecting (Site Development). I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now but I’ve been putting it off. Why? Because site development isn’t fun. It isn’t pretty, and it isn’t something you can show people when you are walking them through your new home for the first time. It’s expensive and if there are any surprises during construction, it is usually site related. But site development is necessary if you want to build. And it is scary for someone doing this for the first time (or 2nd or 3rd…).
So, I’m doing it! I’d much rather be writing about how to design your kitchen or what new recipe I’ve tried recently, but I know people have questions (and anxieties) about site development. I hope this series provides you with clear & concise information about each phase of site development, in one central location. That is why I started this blog to begin with!
Through this series, I will dissect the site development process required when building a custom home and also give you tips on what to really expect. I want you to be well-informed and prepared for this process. We don’t claim to know it all, but we’ve seen quite a bit over the last 30+ years.
Before we get started, a few parameters…
#1 – for purposes of this blog series, I’m basing all my information on a 10,000 square foot lot, with an existing home (to be demolished) with existing public utilities, and in Fairfax County. The reason being, is that this is 80% of what we do and it would be impossible to encompass every county, lot size, etc. I’d never have time to write about kitchens again!
#2 – I’m writing based on what I know, the day I’m writing. We work in a very fluid environment which means on any given day, things can change. If you’re reading this series and it is the year 2024, please check with me. I’ll try and update when I can, but I’d rather be writing about kitchens (and almost anything else). Speaking of, what will Kitchen Trends look like in 2024????
#3 – I’m doing my best. I don’t know everything and I can’t predict everything. But what I want to share with you is the experience of building over the last 30 years (18 years for me personally). We’ve done this a time or two (over 2000 times actually) and we have a lot to say. But still to this day, things come up that we’ve never seen. It is what keeps us on our toes. It would otherwise be boring, right?
Dream Big. Build Smart.