What I Would Have Done: Wisdom From Our Past Clients

I love talking to clients! Having gone through the process myself, it’s so fun to talk to our clients about the process, how it’s going, and getting to know them as people. It’s the best part of my job!
Over the past few weeks, I’ve reached out to a few homeowners who moved in anywhere from six months to one year ago to ask them to reflect back on the process and tell me what they loved, what they found challenging, what they love about their home, and what they might have done differently.
If you’re thinking about building a home or just signed a contract, this post is for you! Here is a selection of advice from actual clients, just for you!
On Site Development
NDI offers a site development service, and every single client who opted for this service said it was money well spent. And they all gave shout outs to our Site Development Project Manager. Kudos, Amy!
On the flip side, those who didn’t opt to use our Site Development wished they had. Of course, we offer guidance to clients who opt to manage their own site, and many of our clients don’t mind managing their site and do so just fine. (My husband and I managed our own site work, and we did fine.) But a few people I spoke with said they didn’t have the time or interest to manage it themselves, and, if they could do it again, they’d opt to have us manage it.
Clients Love Their Kitchens
When I ask: what part of your home do you love the most? They all answer unanimously: the kitchen! If you’re wondering where people are glad they spent the money, it’s in the kitchen.
Whoops. I should have had you all put in that….
We are conscious of our clients’ budgets, and we pride ourselves on helping our clients put their dollars where it makes the most sense for them. We also want them to think big picture. A couple hundred dollars for extra recessed lighting might feel not worth it…but you might end up adding it later. I spoke with a couple clients on this issue, and that’s exactly what they ended up doing, and it cost more.
Here’s a tip for electrical: take photos of your home while it’s in frame! Then you will know what’s behind your walls and where in case you need to/want to do something after the fact.
I love it!
All of the clients I spoke to said they felt indecisive at times. They’d go back and forth on their selections, picking one thing and then another. But, in the end, they all said they love their home, and they don’t regret their color selections. Phew! If you’re currently in progress on a home, I hope that makes you feel good!
Wherever you are in the process (or even if your house is complete!), we love hearing from you! Several of the clients I spoke with said they felt sad after we turned over the keys because we became such a part of their lives that it felt weird to say goodbye.
Well, it’s not goodbye! We’re all still here, and we love talking with clients. Call us up, anytime! And email us, too! We’re at 1-800-406-8555, and you can find our emails on the Meet the Team page. Don’t be a stranger!