Timing Is Everything

How many times have you been the victim of poor timing? Maybe it’s hitting the morning commute at just the wrong time. Or missing a flight. Or burning dinner. Timing in our busy lives has become so important. In building construction, timing is everything.
Managing a construction schedule is an art. You have to know each and every step in the building process to minimize delays. We can’t control the weather but we can certainly control how we schedule the construction of our homes. Our Project Managers are some of the best in the business. Many of them have been with NDI for 10, 15 even over 20 years. Having that tenure on our team allows us to consistently build a quality custom home with speed.
I had the pleasure of attending the settlement of this home earlier today. This is our Burke model. We built it for a lovely family in the heart of Falls Church. Isn’t it pretty?
We signed the contract to build for this client in July 2014. That’s 9 months from contract to settlement. How awesome is that? But the timing of this project wasn’t luck. It was intentional. We had a mutual goal with our client to get the house done as soon as possible. And we did it! Together.
We realize the importance of timing when our clients are paying monthly construction loan payments and rent for their temporary quarters. From the day we dig the foundation, we can finish a house within 5-6 months (many of our homes finish sooner). Our tried and true process works and it eliminates unnecessary delays. If you could save thousands of dollars in construction loan and rent payments by cutting 6-7 months off the time to build, wouldn’t you rank timing as one of the most important factors when choosing a builder?
Yes. Timing is everything.
Dream Big. Build Smart.