The 12 Days of Christmas Trees

For the last 12 days, we’ve featured pictures of Christmas trees sent in by NDI homeowners. In case you missed it, here is a recap…
Day 1 – “G” Family who built their Vienna Model in 2015. This was such a fun project because Mrs. G is a high school friend of Adam & Amanda. And her sister was the tee-ball coach for my boys this past Spring. Totally awesome and coincidental!
Day 2 – my dear brother (and NDI’s VP of Operations), Adam Alderson, who built their Berkshire Model in 2010. Adam lives around the corner from us in Falls Church and let me tell you, it is so incredibly awesome to be so close. Our kids are growing up together which just completely warms my heart!
Day 3 – “R” Family who built their Broadmont Model in 2016. I love this family. Every single time I hear from “Mr”, he always reminds me that he would be happy to talk about their experience building “NDI’s best Broadmont Model” to anyone considering a build with NDI. Love that!
Day 4 – “C” Family who built their complete custom NDI home in 2017. Complete customs are always fun (challenging but fun!) and this was no exception. But the end result is always amazing and worth it!
Day 5 – Renee Paquet, Senior Sales Manager at NDI, who built their Vienna Model in 2015. We love building homes for our team members!
Day 6 – “J” Family who built their custom Nottingham Model in 2012. This family put their own custom spin on their Nottingham Model by adding a 2 car garage to the front (think cross between a Berkshire front & Nottingham layout).
Day 7 – “V” Family who built their Yancy Model in 2016. This project had a really funny start because I went to middle school with Mrs. We reconnected on Facebook and that is how she found out about NDI. It was sooooo fun building for her and her sweet husband!
Day 8 – “M” Family who built the first Langley Model in 2016. Attending the NDI settlement of this home was one of the most memorable of my career – there wasn’t a dry eye in the house! Such an awesome family and beautiful home!
Day 9 – “S” Family who built their Clarendon Model in 2017. This home has my most favorite island we have ever built! Man – talk about island envy!
Day 10 – Brenda Landes, NDI’s VP of Finance & Administration. Brenda built her Savannah Model in 2005. We are sad/happy (mostly sad) to announce that Brenda will be retiring this month after 25 years of service with NDI. Brenda has played a huge role in the success of NDI over the years and she will be greatly missed!
Day 11 – Sarah McWhirter, NDI’s newest team member who also built her Hastings Model in 2006. Sarah is taking over for Brenda after she retires. I was so happy when Sarah inquired about the position. It is so fun working with a client! And look at her pretty tree – her kids decorated it (note the ornament placement!). I love it!
Day 12 – yours truly. Paul and I built our Nottingham Model in 2008 – I cannot believe it will be 10 years since we moved into our home.
2 kids and 2 dogs later, and we still love it!
I’ve loved seeing all the pictures sent in by our clients but better than that, I’ve loved hearing from them. It is because of every client we work with that we are able to do what we love every day. That is a true gift!
From our family to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Dream Big. Build Smart.