NDI’s Complete Custom Home Program Part 1

Most of our clients will take one of our models and customize it to fit their needs. It might mean adding a morning room off the kitchen, finishing the basement or turning a two-story family room into a one-story family room with finished space above. But some clients have very specific ideas about their home and they don’t always find exactly what they want in our portfolio of designs.
From Cocktail Napkin To Design
We do several Complete Custom Homes each year. With just a few tweaks to our process, we can take an idea from a hand drawn sketch to full blown design. Here is a project we’re currently working on for a client.
This is the original sketch of the first floor.
After playing around with the layout a bit, the sketch was cleaned up and sent off to the architect.
And then a preliminary plan was drawn by the architect.
You can see the transformation of the original idea (which I think is the most fun and interesting part of the design process!).
Our Complete Custom Program allows the client to take their design from concept to completion in not much more time than it takes to build a design out of our portfolio. We finished a lovely custom home in North Arlington last year and the process was just over 12 months from contract to settlement. That’s quick for a completely customized home! And the best part? You still get the same value and quality!
Next week, I’ll talk about choosing to build a Complete Custom NDI home over modifying one of our portfolio plans. It’s not for everyone but it might be for you!
Dream Big. Build Smart.
Do you build in Warrenton?
Yes! We sure do! Email us at hello@newdimensionsinc.com or call us at 1-800-406-8555 and we’d be happy to answer any questions!