NDI Gives Back: Wounded Vet Project Part 3

We recently announced a very special project we’re doing through NDI Gives Back. Later this year, NDI will be gifting a brand new NDI home to a wounded military veteran and his family. This home will be designed and built with the needs of this family in mind. It is just one small way we can show this wonderful family our appreciation for their service to this country.
A few weeks ago, I introduced to you to Kyle, the wounded vet selected to receive a brand new NDI home. Today, I’m so pleased to introduce you to his family!
I was so touched by the sincerity and sweetness of this family. In the application they filled out for us, Kyle’s wife explained some of the challenges they’ve had in their current home. While the home is one story, it was not built with Kyle’s needs in mind. And because of the stairs leading into the house and the non-ADA bathrooms, Kyle has sustained further injuries.
In 2011, Kyle fell down the four stairs leading up to the front porch because his prosthetic gave out. He broke his back in the fall and faced a long recovery. This injury occurred when Kyle was home alone. So now, every time Kyle’s wife has to leave Kyle by himself, she’s worried he’s going to injure himself again.
“Owning a home that would prioritize my husband’s needs would be a weight lifted off of our shoulders.”
The home we are building for Kyle and his family will be built with his needs in mind. He will have one story living with safe access. We will also incorporate some features that will assist Kyle in his day to day and also keep him safe. Features like blinking smoke detectors (Kyle suffered some hearing loss in the accident and has difficulty hearing certain noise pitches) and remote lighting and thermostat controls.
We are filled with gratitude over the opportunity to serve this family. Grateful that this sweet family was placed in our path. Grateful for the contractors and suppliers who are stepping in in droves to assist us in building this home. But more than anything, we are grateful for Kyle’s service. This new home seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the sacrifice Kyle has for this country and the sacrifice he and his family continue to make every day.
And I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know this family and witness their resolve to live a great life. Kyle’s wife said to me at one of our early introductions that they just try to find the good (and the humor) in every situation.
Oh my, that’s a lesson from which we can all learn.
Dream Big. Build Smart.
What an amazingly thoughtful, generous and unbelievable gift. What a great organization. Kudos to you all for this act of gratitude and kindness. Thank you.
Thank you Tricia!