NDI Gives Back: Golf Tournament

Our first NDI Gives Back Foundation Golf Tournament & Fundraiser was held on September 7, 2017 and was a huge success! All proceeds of the tournament will be used to fund the NDI Gives Back Scholarship Fund.
Here’s a little background on how we got here…
In 2014, NDI launched the NDI Gives Back Program. Under this program, NDI employees receive 8 hours of paid leave to volunteer for the community service project of their choice. Our goal is to empower our employees to seek out a cause in the community and give back.
Over the years, the program has grown. We have realized there are many in need throughout our community that may not be eligible for public assistance or help. We’re always looking out for ways we can help tend to these needs – big, small or in between. In January, we completed our first large community project – NDI built and gifted a brand new home to a wounded veteran and his family. It was a meaningful experience for us all.
And this past spring, we launched the NDI Gives Back Scholarship program. We recognize the growing skills gap in our industry and we want to encourage young people to consider a career in construction. Through this program, we offer two scholarships to students interested in a career in the construction industry – one for a 2-year or trade school student and one for a 4-year student. Earlier this year, we awarded the first NDI Give Back Scholarships to two local candidates.
We feel privileged to pioneer these scholarship opportunities. And thanks to nearly 60 area businesses and individuals, we have enough funding to expand the scholarship program for years to come. Thank you to everyone who planned, gave, and participated in this wonderful event. It was a GREAT day!
While it will take years for residential construction to recover from the skills gap that has been perpetuated in this country, we like to think this is just one way we can give back to an industry that has given us so much.
Dream Big. Build Smart.