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    Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    Mother's Day Gift Ideas

    Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 8 which feels a little early this year. If you are looking for some last minute gift ideas for that favorite mama in your life (MIYL), I got ya covered. And as of the timing of this post, they will arrive by the big day (with Prime shipping)!

    Gift Idea for the FashionistaRothy’s Gift Card

    Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of Rothy’s, because it is likely that favorite MIYL has! These shoes and accessories are made from all recycled materials, and they come in lots of different styles & colors. But best of all, they are super comfortable AND you throw them in the wash for a quick clean. I have their flats, flops, sneakers (laced & pull-on), and even some of their bags (you might say I’m a bit obsessed with this brand). Scoop up a gift card for that favorite MIYL and let her pick out something she will sure to love!

    Gift Idea for the Cook The Pepper Cannon

    Paul gifted this to me for my birthday this year, and I never thought I would get so giddy over a pepper grinder. This thing is the MacDaddy of all pepper grinders. It claims to be 10x faster than other grinders, and I can attest to this since we have performed many experiments in our house – The Pepper Cannon vs my old grinder. There is no contest.

    But here is the thing, I had no idea it was this expensive until I looked it up on Amazon for this very blog post. I even checked with Paul to verify if he actually spent the $200 for this thing. He confirmed, and you know what? Totally worth the money. This thing is the best!

    Gift Idea for the Clean FreakRechargeable Car Vacuum

    OK – I admit I first picked this up primarily because it’s pink. But it didn’t take long to love it for something other than it’s cuteness. This thing can be kept in the car (charges via USB) for a quick clean-up anytime you need it. I wasn’t born a clean freak (my own mother can attest to that!), but with every passing year, I get a little more particular about having a clean and clutter-free space. My car is definitely a space I like to keep tidy and this little vac works great!

    Gift Idea for the EntertainerBeautiful Boards Book + Wooden Serving Board

    I have given these two items as a duo gift more times than I can count, and it is always a hit! Food boards are great for entertaining a big crowd and you can do a lot of the prep ahead of time. That means you are hanging out and having fun with your guests instead of being slumped over the stove cooking! Check out this blog post for more background on this food trend – it’s a thing!

    Gift Idea for the Beach BumTkees Flip Flops + Beach Bag

    This is a fun gift idea for anyone who loves some beach or pool time! Tkees flip flops are my very favorite, and they come in a ton of colors and styles (these are my #1 fav). I wear these to the beach, to the pool, out to lunch, to get my toes done, pretty much everywhere shoes are required, but I don’t necessarily want to wear “shoes”.

    Pair the Tkees with a fun beach bag and a quick drying Turkish beach towel (these are all the rage right now), and you have a really fun gift for the favorite MIYL!

    Gift Idea for the TravelerTravel Make-up/Toiletry Case

    I recently bought this travel case and I love it! I was able to consolidate the two travel cases I used to carry on a trip down to  this one, which saves me room in my luggage. And I feel more organized once I get to my destination because everything is in one place! I also bought these clear pouches which are compact and neatly display what’s inside (so convenient). Does the favorite MIYL travel with vitamins or other medications? I love these sleek pill boxes!

    I hope I’ve given you some ideas for the mama in your life on her special day!

    I also want to wish all the mamas out there a Happy Mother’s Day. Especially, my sweet mother.

    And to those who have lost their mother, or to those who never had the choice of being a mother, I know Mother’s Day is very hard.

    My heart is with you.

    Dream. Build. Live.

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