Meet the Team: Q&A with Production Manager, Annette McMahon Shetley

Do you have someone in your life you’ve known for what seems like forever and who knows everything about you? For NDI, that person is Annette McMahon Shetley. She has been with NDI since 1993 and is the second longest tenured employee with 23 (uninterrupted) years of service.
Annette has done just about every role at NDI (except Project Manager). She’s pretty much a know-it-all around here, and I can’t tell you how much she is valued. If I have a question about a home we built 20 years, I go to Annette. If I need to put my hands on something, I go to Annette. And when I need anything having to do a home we’re currently working on, I go to Annette.
She’s a hard-worker, valued team member, and friend.
Meet Annette…
Tell us about yourself! Your background, your family, where you live.
I have lived in Virginia all my life. I was born at Fairfax Hospital (when it was only one building) and lived in Alexandria (down the road from my Grandparent’s house) before my parents purchased one of the first Hylton Homes an Upton Model in Dale City. I met my life-long best friend M. Rose Turner the first day of 9th grade but soon realized we had seen each other every day during middle school as her private school bus passed our bus stop.
After graduating from Gar-Field Senior High School I attended Marymount College (all females at the time and before it changed to a University) and George Mason University. I was not happy being a student and not sure what direction to go, so I got a job with a temporary agency. One of the assignments was an Accounts Payable Processer at Stanley Martin Companies in Tysons Corner. After months on the temporary assignment, I was offered a full-time job. I worked there for five years with Brenda Landes now the VP of Finance and Administration for NDI.
When Brenda left SMC she was instrumental in getting me an Accounts Payable job at NDI. I worked in Accounts Payable for years before transitioning into a Customer Service and Sales & Purchasing role. I worked full time and attended classes at night to get my Bachelors of Business Administration Degree from Marymount University, successfully graduating with Cum Lade honors almost 20 years after high school.
I have been a resident of Manassas for over 20 years. Dawn Hoffman, Project Coordinator for NDI asked me to go to dinner after work to The City Tavern in Manassas where she introduced me to one of her friends Bobby J. Shetley who works at VDOT. Thanks to her dinner invitation, I met the love of my life, and we were married October 15, 2016.
Tell us about your role at NDI.
As the Production Manager I handle getting all the plans, specs, options, and work orders to the suppliers and sub-contractors. The process starts when the plans have been County approved, the permits are issued and the pre-meeting has been completed with Shelly Cauthen, Design Consultant for NDI. Once all the paperwork and plans are turned in, I review the site plan, building plans, contract, and selections to make sure what has been paid for is reflected on the plans and a color selection has been made if necessary.
After that is reviewed then a pre-construction meeting is scheduled with the customer for a final sign off on all the paperwork. After the pre-construction meeting, the signed plans and paperwork are scanned and emailed to the suppliers and sub-contractors to get bids. When I receive the cut sheet and the financial release, the work orders are processed and the packages are released to the field so scheduling construction can begin. During construction if changes are made, I notify the appropriate supplier or sub-contractor to make sure they are aware. I also handle enrolling all the homes with Quality Builders Warranty for the 10 year Structural Warranty that NDI provides.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
The favorite part of my job is when I see pictures of the finished houses. I see it on paper and sometimes wonder how the house is going to look, then I see a beautiful finished product. I enjoy being part of the team that makes every home we build someone’s dream. I have yet to see two homes ever built alike as each one is unique to the family.
Building a house is a big undertaking. What’s something you’d like to tell clients about the process?
We want them to make changes to customize their dream home, but when they do so, the changes need to be done quickly (final selections, signatures and payment). It is a process once the house is released and all the paperwork has been sent out to make sure when a change comes through that it gets relayed to everyone so the change happens without stopping or causing delays. Communication is important, and we keep an open line of communication with all our clients. Building a home is stressful, and we will try to make your experience a pleasant one with our knowledge and experience.
When you’re not working, what do you like to do?
When I am not working I love spending time with my family and friends. My family extends from Northern Virginia to Southwest Virginia and South Carolina so traveling for visits is always an adventure. I am so honored to be called Aunt Net by my nephew, Daniel and niece, Madisen. My other babies are my Yorkie, Bella and my cat Mittens.
I love the outdoors. I was born in the summer, so I have always loved the water, sand, and sun. I enjoy spending time on the boat, relaxing while Bobby is fishing and occasionally I am his partner (1st mate) in a tournament (I caught an 8.32lb Bass).
In South Carolina, I enjoy riding my jet ski on Lake Wylie while trying very hard to keep up with my 72-year-old Dad on his jet ski. I love going to concerts, Bluegrass festivals (thanks Grandpa), sporting events, and NASCAR races (Rose & James), demolition derby (a yearly birthday event) and dancing whenever & wherever possible (thanks Momma Shetley for my awesome dance partner).
What’s something the NDI team might not know about you?
After 23 years working at NDI I don’t think there is anything unknown. I am sometimes referred to as the NDI Historian, but I think it is due to the fact that I don’t want to get rid of anything (pack rat tendencies).
Thanks, Annette!