Jen’s Summer Bucket List Update #2

Inspired by my son Nathan, I put together a summer bucket list. I chose 5 things I wanted to do before Labor Day. I tackled one of the hardest items on my list first and you know what, I loved it! Last week, I checked off another when we attended the Sunset Parade at the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Have you gone to the Sunset Parade at the Iwo Jima? It’s such a fun evening listening to the Marine Corp band and watching the silent drill team.
The kids loved listening to the Marine Corp Band and the silent drill team did not disappoint! They do all of their formations without saying a word. It is pretty amazing!
This is such a fun summer activity (sorry – they are done for the 2017 but check back next summer!) to do with your family and friends. Pack a picnic dinner and some lawn chairs – you will love it and the kids will too.
Dream Big. Live life.