Happy 30th Birthday NDI!

We hit a very special milestone this week. On Wednesday, we celebrated 30 years in business!
It was a day filled with smiles, hugs, champagne, beers, and donuts!
So fun!
Here is a letter I shared about NDI turning 30…
Today, we celebrate 30 years in business. 30!!! Actually, our official incorporation date is February 29, 1988. I get such a kick out of the fact that Dad incorporated on leap day. I asked him recently if he did that on purpose – he swears it was a coincidence!
I remember that year. I was 14 years old and in the 8th grade. I really didn’t understand the significance of what Dad had decided to do; leave his stable job at what was at the time, a stable company, to start his own business. But reflecting back, I realize what true entrepreneurial spirit he displayed. And still does to this day.
When Dad started the company, he wasn’t sure it would even be successful. He talks about how fun those first few years were. He worked hard and surrounded himself with the right people. He will say most of his success was luck. But I disagree. Dad has an instinct like I’ve never seen. And he isn’t afraid to fail. He’s only afraid of not trying. Like I said, he’s a true entrepreneur.
But I cannot talk about our success over the last 30 years without talking about our incredible client base, every NDI team member (past and present), as well as our subcontractors, suppliers, and business partners. For some, these friendships are new and for others, much older (even since day 1) but each has left a mark on our success. The dedication and loyalty we’ve been shown over the last 3 decades humbles us.
On behalf of Adam, Dad, and myself, thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to do what we love each day. It has been a blessing to us all.
And Happy Birthday NDI!
Starting on Monday, March 5, we will be doing our own 30 for 30 on our Facebook page. For the next 30 days, we’ll be sharing 30 facts about NDI. I promise some of them will surprise you!
And if you see a team member out and about, give them a shout-out, hug, or high five. We’re all pretty proud about NDI turning 30!
Dream Big. Build Smart.