Choosing The Right Rug For Your Space

Choosing the right area rug for your space is an important step and will set the tone for any room! Follow these tips and you can’t go wrong!
Tip #1: Choose The Rug First
Before you paint, choose drapes, or buy furniture, decide on your rug. This will be the anchor for everything in your space, and it is much easier to plan around the rug vs. trying to find a rug that works with everything else. Choosing your rug first will give you much more flexibility in the overall design of your space.
Tip #2: Bigger Is Better
One of the most common mistakes people make in choosing an area rug, is getting the wrong size. While it may seem counterintuitive, rugs that are too small for the space can actually make the space look smaller. Which means, when you buy a larger rug, your room will feel more spacious!
A good rule of thumb is to size your rug so that you have 6-24″ between the rug and the wall. Depending on the shape of your room, this may vary a bit.
Tip #3: How To Place Your Furniture
You can place furniture so it all sits on the area rug, but you will want to make sure at least the front legs of each piece are touching the rug.
Finding the right area rug can feel daunting, but I have found great success buying rugs from Ruggable. I love the selection, and they are very durable and so easy to clean since they are machine washable!
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