Jen’s 2017 Holiday Gift Guide

Have you thought about what Christmas gifts you need to buy? No? Well, not to worry! I thought it would be fun to share some holiday gift ideas with you! Here are 6 of my favorite gift ideas for 2017! …
Have you thought about what Christmas gifts you need to buy? No? Well, not to worry! I thought it would be fun to share some holiday gift ideas with you! Here are 6 of my favorite gift ideas for 2017! …
I LOVE to cook and one of my favorite celebrity chefs is the Barefoot Contessa. I think her recipes are simple yet elegant which makes her food great for entertaining and every day meals! One of my favorite recipes is …
Welcome to my week in review where I wrap up some of the happenings in and around the NDI office (and my house!). I’ve been doing this for over a year now (check out some oldies but goodies HERE) and …
Happy Friday! I hope this finds you well and having an awesome September! It’s that time of year…summer vacations are done, kids are back in school and we are scheduling some really fun events here at NDI! Our Last Summer …
Inspired by my son Nathan, I put together a summer bucket list. I chose 5 things I wanted to do before Labor Day and now that summer is over, here’s how I did! #1 – Go Fishing…DONE! We went to visit my …
Inspired by my son Nathan, I put together a summer bucket list. I chose 5 things I wanted to do before Labor Day. I tackled one of the hardest items on my list first and you know what, I loved it! Last …
Inspired by my son Nathan, I put together a summer bucket list. I chose 5 things I wanted to do before Labor Day. You know what happens when you write something down and put it “out there”? Well, you can’t get …
Have you ever written out a bucket list? I know a lot of people who say, “oh that’s on my bucket list”. I always wonder if they have actually written this list out or if it’s just a mental “I …