Homes We’ve Built…Then & Now

NDI had a birthday this week and it’s made me a bit nostalgic about the last 28 years. I was 14 when Dad started the company and while I helped answer the phones while on college breaks, I didn’t start …
NDI had a birthday this week and it’s made me a bit nostalgic about the last 28 years. I was 14 when Dad started the company and while I helped answer the phones while on college breaks, I didn’t start …
This is the fifth installment of our Investor Series. Today I’ve asked one of our Investor Builders to talk about some of the things he’s learned as an investor. He’s completed two successful projects with NDI and we’ve just started …
Is it really the end of September? Seems like just yesterday, it was May. How was your summer? We’ve been busy here at NDI. The summer started a little slow for us but it has ended with a bang! We’ve …
Choosing colors and selections for a new home is challenging because most people don’t know what they want. So what about choosing colors and selections for a home you are building on spec? How do you choose selections that sell? I’ve …
Names are pretty important. When Paul and I found out we were expecting our first child, we began to think about names. We didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl so we had to select a …
I’m a huge planner. Always have been and I suspect I always will be. I make a “To Do” list every day. I write a packing list (and I keep them) for every trip I take. I even start planning …
Do you ever see a picture on Pinterest or Houzz and think that’s it! That is what I want my _______ (insert here) to look like. These websites are a blast to look at (oh the hours I could spend) …
This is the third post in my Investor Series. I’ve talked about the pros and cons of spec building and what to consider when choosing a building location. Now for something fun…choosing a model! Aside from finding the right location, …
I’m asked this all the time. People have a hard time believing we can build a house (with indoor plumbing) for less than $100/square foot. Much less actually. Our top three sellers in 2014 are all priced under $100/square foot. …
It’s unusual for us to build one of our plans and not make customizations to the layout. Most of our clients will make changes (some slight, some drastic) to an NDI plan to fit the individual needs of their family. …