Building Your Own Custom Home Series, Part XVIII: Exteriors Siding & Stone

One of the happiest days during construction (for me) is seeing the siding and stone installed. These are color selections EVERYONE sees. It’s important to get it right.
I’ve had some winners…
…and some losers.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the blue siding and the red door. But the stone I chose for the foundation just doesn’t do anything for me.
So when the siding crew was finishing up the other day at Great Falls Street, I was very excited.
I selected Monterey Taupe HardiePlank siding for the front and sides of the house. I decided to go two tone and selected Timber HardieShingle up in the gables.
I selected Sterling Rustic Thin Stone for the stone water-table. I love thin stone because it’s real stone. It’s a little more expensive but definitely worth the money. I also added slate pavers to the front porch.
We also ran the stone around the porch and “to grade”. Because every lot has a different grade, it’s impossible to factor in enough stone (or brick) to accommodate each individual grade. It gets back to trying to be fair and not charge every client for things they don’t necessarily need. For all of our homes, we include the stone (or brick) 16” from the first floor line. If the grade is lower than that and the client wishes to add stone (or brick) “to grade,” we can add that to the budget. Some clients will add the additional material and some clients plan to landscape around the foundation instead. It’s all up to the individual.
The Sherwood on Great Falls Street is shaping up to be a beautiful home. I can’t wait to show it to you!
Next up is drywall. Not the most interesting phase in construction but once it’s up, it transforms the house.
Dream Big. Build Smart.
I stumbled upon your site as I was searching for Monterey Taupe. Could you please tell what stone (brand/color) you used on this house? And/or on the 2nd house shown above? That one also looks like Monterey Taupe. Thanks in advance!
Hello! Yes, that Sherwood Model siding is Monterey Taupe, Rustic Sterling stone, and Timber Hardi Shingles. This model home is also Monterey Taupe: Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any more questions!