From Houzz to House

Do you ever see a picture on Pinterest or Houzz and think that’s it! That is what I want my _______ (insert here) to look like. These websites are a blast to look at (oh the hours I could spend) …
Do you ever see a picture on Pinterest or Houzz and think that’s it! That is what I want my _______ (insert here) to look like. These websites are a blast to look at (oh the hours I could spend) …
This is the third post in my Investor Series. I’ve talked about the pros and cons of spec building and what to consider when choosing a building location. Now for something fun…choosing a model! Aside from finding the right location, …
One of the most critical decisions you’ll make when building on spec is where you want to build. I find that most of our investors tend to build where they live. And that makes sense. They already know the area, …
How many times have you been the victim of poor timing? Maybe it’s hitting the morning commute at just the wrong time. Or missing a flight. Or burning dinner. Timing in our busy lives has become so important. In building …
Have you ever considered building a home on spec? It is hard to drive around northern Virginia and not notice all of the new building going on around us. And with all of the “flip” shows on TV, real estate …
I’m so proud to introduce you to Renee Paquet. Renee has been with NDI since 2005. She was originally hired on our Production Team as a Project Coordinator. She quickly moved into Sales & Marketing and then in 2007, Renee …
We thought it would be fun to introduce you to some of the members of our sales team through Q&A. This is the team our clients spend the majority of their time with during the pre-construction phase. I think it …
How much will my site work cost? I get this question a lot and it isn’t always easy to answer. Many of the sites we manage for our clients and most of the sites managed by our clients are fairly …
Have you been trying to decide whether to manage your own site development? Most of our clients decide to manage it themselves. In fact, we only manage about 30% of our client sites. And when it comes to managing your …
I’m asked this all the time. People have a hard time believing we can build a house (with indoor plumbing) for less than $100/square foot. Much less actually. Our top three sellers in 2014 are all priced under $100/square foot. …