What We’re Building: Jen’s Week In Review

Happy Halloween Weekend!
Before the boys were born, Paul and I used to have an annual pumpkin carving contest. It always ended up in a stalemate (for reasons I’m sure you realize) but the competition was always fun. Here is Halloween 2009, the year before Nathan was born.
My pumpkin is to the right of Marley – I clearly won right?
This picture always makes me laugh. Do you see the mailbox on the porch next to the front door? Now please understand, we moved into our home in June 2008. This picture was taken a full year later and the mailbox was still sitting on the porch. But it wasn’t for lack of trying. The stone we have on the house is real thin stone and we must have broken 3 or 4 drill bits trying to drill into it to install the mailbox. We gave up for a while and then finally called in reinforcements for help. Years later and this mailbox is going nowhere!
Here’s what’s happening at NDI this week…
Open House This Weekend
Please please come out to see our new Langley Model this weekend in Falls Church. We’re showing the house Pre-Drywall which means you will be able to see what is behind our walls. I’m completely in love with this home and all the cool features we have planned for it. You can get more information on this weekend’s open house HERE.
This Week’s Settlement AND PC Meeting
We settled this beautiful Clarendon Model this week.
We built it for one of our investor clients. This is the 10th home we’ve built for this awesome client so we brought flowers to the settlement to give to them.
Want to hear something funny? They brought flowers for us too! A beautiful orchid.
The day following the settlement, we had the Pre-Construction Meeting for the 11th home for this same client. This time they will be building a Fairlington Model in Falls Church. Looking forward to #11 and we’re getting ready to submit #12 into the county for building permit!
It has been so fun working with this client over the last several years. What a wonderful relationship!
Subcontractor Spotlight
This is a new feature I want to share with you! As many of you know, NDI is partnering with many of our subcontractors, suppliers and business partners to build a new NDI home for a wounded veteran and his family. It is just one small way we can show this wonderful family our appreciation for their service to this country.
So I want to tell you about the awesome companies who are helping us build a new NDI home for Kyle and his family.
Today I’m talking about DeMarr Construction and Rock Hard Excavating. Both of these companies move dirt and do site prep. They’ve both been in business for a long time and they both do an awesome job. While most of the time DeMarr & Rock Hard are competing for business (friendly of course!), for this project they took a break from all that and came together to help with Kyle’s new home. One of them volunteered to clear and prep the lot while the other volunteered to dig the hole for the foundation.
My sincere thanks to both of these fine organizations!
I Love Client Notes!
I got the sweetest note from a client this week that made my day! Here’s a little snippet…
“Now that the dust has settled from our unpacking, we’re coming up for air and we are absolutely loving our new home. Thanks to you and the team that supported our build – thanks to all your efforts I’m living in utopia 🙂 It still feels very surreal in many respects, but i’m so overwhelmed with happiness walking through our home and seeing my boys enjoy it too. I can’t wait to watch them grow up here. We’re so grateful for what we have. Thanks again.”
No – thank you.
Because when I was walking this client’s home before settlement, I walked into what is now her kids’ bathroom and saw the towel hooks on the wall. It reminded me how we are building these homes for PEOPLE. We see our homes completed and while beautiful, they’re still empty. But we know they will be filled with love, memories and PEOPLE. I was so struck by the moment, that I snapped this picture.
I love my job. And how awesome is our team – making dreams come true over and over again!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! And from our scary monsters to yours, we wish you a wonderfully spooky weekend!
Dream Big. Build Smart.