NDI Gives Back, Part I

Well 2014 is more than half over. It seems like just yesterday I was putting away the Christmas decorations, shoveling snow and figuring out which of my New Year’s resolutions I could still salvage and make happen. I should exercise more. I should eat better. I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Yadda yadda yadda.
At NDI, we’ve made a company resolution. It’s called NDI Gives Back.
At the end of last year, we got to thinking…we give as a company all year long. We’ve been active with the American Red Cross and various local organizations that help the needy in our community. This has always been a part of our company culture and these causes are all great. But what if we mobilized our employees to get out in the community as individuals, with their families and friends, to donate their time to a cause that is near and dear to them? What kind of impact could we have?
Our goal with NDI Gives Back is to challenge each NDI employee to go out into their community and make a difference. Each of our employees has been given 8 paid hours to volunteer their time to an organization of their choice. The only requirement is they have to come back and share their experience with the rest of the company. How cool is that? I can’t wait to share their stories with you.
The first I will share is mine so stay tuned…
Dream Big. Build Smart.